Press Releases


School Updates - April 2017

We wish you a joyful Easter.

We wish you a joyful Easter - a rebirth and renewal for all Christians. Let us look back at the past year and do some self-assessment. Our school year 2016-2017 was full of wonders! We have had so many new Experiences and lessons learned that just can't wait to be shared.


SM City Baguio - January 19, 2017

SJPIILCI joins National Autism Consciousness Week Culminating Activities

The City of Baguio joined the nation in celebrating National Autism Consciousness Week with Culminating Activities held at SM City Baguio starting with an "Angels Walk for Autism" around the mall organized by the Autism Society of the Philippines Baguio, St. John Paul II Learning Center Inc., SPED Center Baguio, City Government, and SM Cares.


School Updates - September 2016

Where everyone is special.

We are most eager to keep you updated with exciting news about our beloved St. John Paul II Learning. Center, Inc. "where everyone is special." We are now on our third year of existence! This would not have been achieved without your love, generosity and compassion for our children with special needs in particular those with Intellectual Disability. Starting with one student in April 2014, we now


SJP2LC Open House Press Release

St. John Paul II Learning Center Open House Introduces Baguio to its Most Special People

BAGUIO, Philippines – January 15, 2016 – The St. John Paul II Learning Centre held an open house day to present its extraordinary students to the city of Baguio, showcasing the progress the school has made in bringing mentally challenged individuals into focus and helping them lead happier and more fulfilling lives.